5 Feet of Fury

‘People who died during the 1960s: 4 students at Kent State’

“People who were allowed to live: all the other students at Kent State…”

There’s a reason I “celebrate” “Kent State Day” at this blog every year.

Now there’s another reason:

Previously undisclosed FBI documents suggest that the Kent State antiwar protests were more meticulously planned than originally thought and that one or more gunshots may have been fired at embattled Ohio National Guardsmen before their killings of four students and woundings of at least nine others on that searing day in May 1970.

[T]he declassified FBI files show the FBI already had developed credible evidence suggesting that there was indeed a sniper and that one or more shots may have been fired at the guardsmen first.

At a minimum, the FBI documents strongly challenge the received narrative that the rioting in downtown Kent was spontaneous and unplanned, that the burning of the ROTC headquarters was similarly impulsive and that the guardsmen’s fatal shootings were explicable only as unprovoked acts.

The FBI files provide, in short, a hidden history of the killings at Kent State…


This Friday I’ll be publishing never before seen pix of the Hard Hat Riot. Stay tuned!