5 Feet of Fury

Skeptic’s Dictionary ‘experts’ get one badly wrong

Don’t rely on the Skeptic’s Dictionary to debunk anything, after this boner:

The phonies gathering at Ft. Hunt National Park  on the Potomac in northern Virginia chose today to rally because it is the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing by Timothy McVeigh. Is McVeigh their hero? The American terrorist killed 168 people on April 19, 1995, allegedly to get revenge for the Waco Siege by federal agents in which 76 people were killed on April 19, 1993. Will one of the phonies shout out the battle cry of another phony?  “Don’t Retreat, Instead Reload!”

As long as we’re dismissing people we don’t agree with as morons — maybe you guys could turn down Bill Maher long enough to read, you know, a history book.

What else do our enlightened, rational, intellectual superiors — those prickly, left-leaning atheists — get wrong at the Skeptic’s Dictionary? It makes you wonder…

And guys: you know who famously railed against “phonies,” right?

Yep, Holden Caulfield.

A lonely teenaged boy in a mental institution.

Just sayin’.

PS: who’s the “fringe,” btw?