5 Feet of Fury

Don’t tug on Superman’s cape

Mark Steyn helpfully reveals what your bubbes’ and zadies’ precious donations to the Canadian United Jewish Appeal are going towards!

As reflexively litigious as he is, Bernie Farber surely knows the difference – especially as there was an awful lot of back and forth between the various legal departments.

My memory of the deliberations is that Bernie originally wanted Maclean’s to “apologize” for any “hurt” caused by such “defamatory” statements as “the only plausible explanation for the CJC is that it’s an Islamist front organization”.

My reaction was that I’d personally fight such a case all the way to the Supreme Court because (a) it would be a non-stop laugh riot; and (b) Bernie’s peculiar touchiness on the subject suggests the odds are better than even that my joke would turn out to be true.


It’s not clear to me what San Francisco imports from Arizona. Chaps? 

UPDATE: the new edition of the Ricochet podcast features Steyn and Co. discussing issues of the day. Always entertaining — and still free.