5 Feet of Fury

Please tell me somebody owns the movie rights to this, and it isn’t Disney

via Cracked:

On the 6th of August, 1970, about 300 members of the Young International Party (Yippies) descended upon Disneyland to protest against stuff and junk or whatever (we literally could not give a shit long enough to look up the explanation).

After taking over Castle Rock, the hippies hoisted the Viet Cong flag, marched down Main Street USA and harassed the marching band while sarcastically singing the theme to the Mickey Mouse Club.

So Disney called in the riot cops!

Once inside the park, the Yippies received an unexpected confrontation from regular park guests. (…) As security officers attempted to gain order, one of Disneyland’s security officers was assaulted. At that point the police were called upon to evict the Yippies from the park. As park guests watched and cheered, hundreds of police officers marched onto Main Street in formation and began their slow and deliberate sweep to clear the unruly crowd.

Yep, I found photos.

And an, er, interesting Mormon memoir of the incident.

Remember, Yippies were the funny ones:

The schedule for this day included according to the flyer:

Black Panther Hot Breakfast: 9am—10am at Aunt Jemima’s Pancake House
Young Pirates League: 11am on Captain Hook’s boat
Women’s Liberation: 12 noon rally to liberate Minnie Mouse in front of Fantasyland
Self Defense Collective: 1pm—2pm at shooting gallery in Frontierland
Mid-Day Feast: 3pm barbecue of Porky Pig