5 Feet of Fury

My book ‘Acoustic Ladyland’ is NOW in paperback!

I published my collection of “dead tree” “greatest hits” a couple of years ago, as an ebook. Acoustic Ladyland was a roundup of some of my newspaper columns over the years.

At the time, Mark Steyn gave it a rave review:

“By the way, Kathy Shaidle has a new e-book out. I’m so square I’m not sure I quite know what that is, but I’ve read it, and it reads like an old-fashioned non-e-book, only better. You should get it. (…)

“There’s a moving reminiscence of Ronald Reagan and a magnificent demolition of Bishop Spong. She pulls off what so many columnists try but usually miss: moral seriousness and groovy cultural references.

“You need this book.”

Because lots of people have asked for it, I’ve decided to offer Acoustic Ladyland in paperback. This is a good way for me to test out Amazon’s print-on-demand service, CreateSpace, in case I decide to use it to self-publish my next book later this year…

So if you’d like to buy a PAPERBACK copy of Acoustic Ladyland, NOW you can.

You can order the NEW paperback edition of my book Acoustic Ladyland two ways:

First: through CreateSpace itself — CLICK HERE.
(I make about 50% more money when you order through them!) You’ll have to (very quickly and easily) set up an account with them first.

Second: through Amazon.comCLICK HERE.

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