5 Feet of Fury

Bill Ayers is just Timothy McVeigh with a pulse

From my new post at David Horowitz’s NewsReal:

Fifteen years ago today, the morning of the Oklahoma City bombing, I was working at a typical Toronto office. Being a big media company, they had a large wall mounted tv that was always turned to CNN.

When I say “a typical Toronto office,” I mean that about an hour into news coverage of the attack, the young woman sitting next to me — a smart, attractive, funny blonde in the Reese Witherspoon mold — blurted sourly, without looking up from her paperwork:

“Jezuz, you’d think a building had never blown up before…”

Which is why I do everything in my power to avoid having to work in a typical Toronto office, particularly after September 11.

Not incidentally, my freelance work (such as the stuff I write here at NewsReal) conveniently prevents me from being hired to work in a typical Toronto office, ever again (or as long as Google exists).

So, hey, it all works out!

(PS: send money.)

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