5 Feet of Fury

Michael Coren writes: ‘Britain’s far right can’t be ignored’

Michael Coren writes:

Most of all [the BNP] has support within a white working-class that has been taken for granted by the Labour Party for half-a-century. These are the unheard, the anonymous, the ordinary. The sort of people who fight the wars, build the cities and hold the country together.

When, however, they complain of the disappearance of their culture and values and speak of inner-city crime and decay their collective cry is dismissed as racism by a political and social elite that can afford not to understand. The BNP, employing the tested tactic of fascism, merely takes advantage of the situation.

The response of the traditional parties, the churches and the BBC is to try to silence the already largely powerless with lectures about Islamophobia. It’s disingenuous, patronising and counter-productive.