5 Feet of Fury

My name comes up in a Senate inquiry

It wasn’t anything bad, though…(darn.)

The Senate Inquiry into the erosion of free speech in Canada continued today, and Senator Eaton was kind/brave enough to mention me, and the book I co-authored with Pete Vere:

She said in part:

“We’re in the 21st century now, and one would think that censorship would be obsolete, universally considered a relic of less enlightened times. But nowadays it’s not prudish customs agents or thin-skinned politicians who are the main threat.

“It’s Canada’s ‘human rights commissions’, which would have struck George Orwell as being perfectly named.

“These commissions were started with the best of intentions – to help the poor and the weak from being bullied out of a job or an apartment. But they have become censors, policing not death threats or incitement to violence, or any other real crime, but rather the fake crime of hurt feelings.

“They have become what author Kathy Shaidle calls a “Tyranny of Nice”.

“Section 13 of our own Canadian Human Rights Act makes it against the law to evoke feelings of ‘hatred or contempt.’ But hate is a normal human feeling. What’s not normal is to make those feelings against the law.

“Of course we don’t want people to turn their hard feelings into crimes –that’s why we have the Criminal Code. But to have a government agency monitoring the Internet, searching for certain political views to prosecute is anathema to a liberal democracy.”