5 Feet of Fury

‘Now I also have to bring up the delicious irony that came across my desk today…’

Transcript of the Hugh Hewitt show, with Mark Steyn:

HH: Now I also have to bring up the delicious irony that came across my desk today. Asian-American Democrats are criticizing the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for favoring a white former Congressman from Hawaii over the Asian-American state senate president in a hotly contested special election to represent a majority of a minority Hawaiian district. I had the Republican challenger, Charles Djou on yesterday, www.djou.com, but what do you make of this, Mark Steyn? The Democrats divided, and they’re going with the old, white guy.

MS: Yeah, I know. It’s rather heartening in a way.

HH: Yes, it is.

MS: Frank Rich wrote a ridiculous column, even by his own impressive standards, a couple of weeks ago…

HH: (laughing)

MS: …saying that the only reason guys like me and you oppose Obamacare is because we’re uncomfortable with a black president and a female Speaker, and a wise Latina on the Supreme Court, and gay Barney Frank as a powerful Congressional committee chairman. So it’s good to know that the Democrats are now finding one old, heterosexual, white guy that we can be opposed to as well.

HH: (laughing)

MS: I love it when identity politics starts devouring itself. And I say bring it on.

HH: It is…

MS: I’m tired of identity politics, and I’d rather, you know, I’m interested in individual liberty and rights for individuals. And I can’t stand this kind of stamp collector’s view of diversity, that a modern political movement only counts if it’s got one of everything.