5 Feet of Fury

‘Too stupid to really be Jewish?’

Ezra Levant can’t fathom the Canadian Jewish Congress’ “response” to that anti-semitic machete attack in Ottawa:

So we have an actual crime with an actual weapon. And Rudner is calling for not the enforcement of the criminal code, but more censorship?

But look at the mealy-mouthed coward. He can’t even say that. He says “maybe” “we” “should consider” “the impact words can have” in “accelerating the argument”.




Should consider?

We didn’t do anything. Ten thugs did.

Words didn’t have an impact. A machete did — or almost did.

Accelerating the argument? A machete isn’t an argument. It isn’t speech, even offensive or “hateful” speech. It is a tool of violence.

And Rudner thinks that — what? more human rights commissions prosecuting more Zionists like Mark Steyn and me? — would make these thugs “feel” their behaviour was not “acceptable”?

Every time one of Canada’s pro-censorship “Official Jews” opens his mouth, I think of that South Park episode with the midget self-help/sensitivity training guru, whose catchphrase is ‘You see: words are like bullets…’

As the episode goes on, his metaphor gets more and more nonsensical — ‘… and they go right through me’ — until everyone tells him to shut up.

Given the CJC et al’s oft-reported belief that Canada is one step away from turning into Rwanda, you’d think they’d have more thoughtful things to say this morning besides, “Words are like machetes!”

They’re all adopted, I’m telling you.


Ezra name checks “Fyvush Finkel” in his latest post. According to Wikipedia, Finkel made

his Broadway theatre debut in the original 1964 production of the musical Fiddler on the Roof, joining the cast as Mordcha, the innkeeper, in 1965.

The production ran through July 2, 1972.

Hey, I thought you people didn’t believe in Hell!