5 Feet of Fury

Stop me if you’ve heard this one: Cops shove angry working class Brits into pen

Yeah, I’m totally stunned, aren’t you…?

The EDL were driven into a huge metal cage with high fences all around and kept tightly packed in for over two hours. They were told by Police officers ”you wanted this demo so now you can stay in there!”
I have been told by a very good friend present, it was mayhem, claustrophobic and people thought they were going to get trampled on once a surge of anger started and pleas for release as many by this time wanted to go home, were ignored by the Police.

No, that sounds nothing at all like “Hillsborough” now, does it?

Jeezuz. Are you people retarded?

When the UK Authorities are this stupid, I don’t know whether to be encouraged or depressed.

Just keep on pushing your luck, morons. The “proles” have long memories…

Well, let’s hope so, anyhow. No shortage of irony all around…

UPDATE: try not to vomit when chick at the end speaks in the video below. Note what side the interviewed cop seems to be on — no bias there:

“WE had a very successful United Against Fascism rally here today…”

Yep, EDL supporters kicked down the barriers.

Let me tell you a little story.

When I was in Israel, our guide told us how some businessman tried and failed to get a national railway up and running there, back in the day.

“Except so soon after the war,” the guide said, “Israelis weren’t too enthusiastic about travelling by train…”

“Why?” asked the young (Canadian Jewish) blogger who was with us.

“Uhm,” the guide replied patiently. “Because they were trains…?”