5 Feet of Fury

Ann Coulter in Canada: day four

Afternoon UPDATE:

Ann Coulter sets the record straight about what REALLY went on in Canada, in an ALL NEW, just posted podcast with Andrew Lawton and Ari Fine.

It’s FREE to listen so tune in!

PLUS: my new post is up at David Horowitz’s NewsReal blog — “Ann Coulter in Canada: The Dumbening”.

Scroll down for many posts going back to Ann Coulter’s arrival in Canada, the outrage in Ottawa, and the ongoing fallout. Lots of pix and videos.

Day Four:

Tonight, Ann Coulter speaks at the University of Calgary — her final stop on the tour.

As noted last night, the venue has been changed, to accomodate increased demand. Double check the details at the official CoulterInCanada.com site before you leave.

Ezra Levant has an op-ed in the Calgary Herald today. Here’s an excerpt:

Houle’s letter was like a starter pistol for radical students, who went from tearing down Coulter posters to organizing their rampage. Really, other than tactics, how different was their approach to censorship than Houle’s?

It is now two days since the near-riot at U of O, and Houle has not seen fit to utter a word against those who truly violated “what is acceptable in Canada” — his student disrupters. He had threatened Coulter before she even said a word; yet after his students’ conduct, he remains silent. He had warned Coulter to “weigh (her) words with respect and civility,” to show “restraint, respect and consideration” and to have a “more civilized discussion.” No such comments have come from him to the disrupters, even after the fact.

Which is not surprising.

The U of O indulges some of most offensive conduct in the country on their campus. Each year, for example, they happily host an anti-Semitic festival called Israel Apartheid Week. 

Ann Coulter is scheduled to be on The O’Reilly Factor tonight on FOX News. (8PM ET)

You can hear a segment on Ottawa radio about the dustup. Both sides get to speak (oddly enough!)

Mark Steyn will be on the Hugh Hewitt show tonight at 6PM ET. I suspect the “Ann Coulter riots” will be one of the topics on the table.

Last night, Michael Coren and David Menzies defended Coulter for 30 entertaining/exasperating minutes:


Get your “Take a Camel” tee!

Uh oh: Kate McMillan = pissed at Susan Cole…

“This bitch does not speak for me. (…) I’m starting to think the not-showing-up-to-riot is a failed conservative policy.”

Reminder: Fatima Al Dhaher, aka “Camel Girl,” has been outed:

Excerpt below:

“Its not that hard to deal with the zionazis/kikeroaches…”

Guest post at SDA:

This sorry state of affairs is at least partially the fault of conservatives who have played into the hands of unreasonable opponents by constantly asserting the need to maintain a spirit of cooperation, even as their opponents make volubly clear through their words and actions that they absolutely no interest in doing the same.

This assumption that compromise and bipartisanship is always the reasonable approach is badly mistaken, because it not only presupposes, in the face of evidence to the contrary, that one’s opponents are equally well-intentioned and willing to meet halfway, but it also ignores the unpleasant reality that certain freedoms, once bargained away, may never be regained without bloodshed.

Barry Gaetz, Victoria Times-Colonist:

Ann Coulter has made some egregiously provocative and even stupid statements over the past 10 years or so. However,the treatment she got at the University of Ottawa was disgusting and shameful.

It was bad enough the provost of that university in that smug, smarmy,we-Canadians-are-so-much-more-civilized-than-you-Yanks hectoring manner warned her she could be liable for criminal prosecution if she engaged in hate speech…

“Canada: A Nation in Fear — of Ann Coulter!”

Students at the university apparently met for seven and a half hours  to compose a series of anti-Coulter resolutions.

Pigs fly in showball hell!

Canadian Association of University Teachers slams known Frenchman Francois Houle (his real name — artist’s rendering):

We are deeply disturbed by your correspondence with Ann Coulter regarding her speaking engagement at the University of Ottawa tomorrow. Your admonishing her about speech rights in Canada raises serious questions about the University of Ottawa’s respect for freedom of expression and a
cademic freedom…

“Canadian Censorship, Eh?”

Environmentalist whackjob Robert F. Kennedy Jr. decided to use the opportunity to piggyback off Coulter’s notoriety. He gave a speech to the University of Western Ontario calling Coulter someone who “really represents the darkest side of American character.”

Kennedy is a huge supporter of using wind-based power generation, except off Cape Cod where it would ruin his view of the ocean. Kennedy is the nephew of the late Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.), killer of Mary Jo Kopechne.

“Craig Chandler is a tad upset“:

Craig Chandler is a tad upset.  Yesterday, in the national media,  American diva of conservative shock talk Ann Coulter called him a “nut.”  Then she banned him from her Calgary speech.  And all of that after Chandler had defended her right on CBC television to say any damn thing she pleases while in Canada.


Chandler says Coulter was having a bad day and the local CBC news clip she saw took his comments out of context.  “I’m willing to forgive her,” he said in an interview with the Beacon.  He’s even received an apology from CBC for their error suggesting he was the organizer of the Calgary event.

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I recommend using an indelible fabric marker or even house paint to cross out “OTTAWA”: