5 Feet of Fury

Another day, another wimpy ‘male’ leftist too chicken to mess with me in person

OOOOOhhhhhh! I’m shaking!

This comment was deleted from my NewsReal post and forwarded to me by the administrator.

I have no idea who this is. Nobody “called me out” at Western, before, during or after the Ann Coulter speech. The only people who came up to me were fans of my blog and my book.

So he’s a liar and a wimp. (Who believes strongly in peace, love and equality, obviously!)

And this is his IP addy:

“He” writes:

Oh Kathy, you love talking tough from behind your computer, but when I called you on being a smug, hate-mongering little bitch when you walked by me last night, you wisely kept walking. Smart move. I’d snap you in half if you tried your bullshit with me in person. But yeah, keep talking tough and engaging in your ultra-conservative masturbatory blogging. I assure you, we real Canadians are far too busy to take you seriously. Just like Coulter’s inane rambling. 


So, 141 Dundas St, the home of that IP has a McDonald’s, an unlikely place to find folks surfing the interweb, a private business school a possible source and……

Wait for it!

The Ontario Works Social Assistance administration offices.