5 Feet of Fury

The Ann Coulter riot: my husband did some digging (updated)

Michael Coren blogs:

“If anyone can identify this person, whom I presume is a University of Ottawa student, I’d love to know.

“Next time you are stunned by how much income tax you pay, rest assured that it’s going to fund a large part of the education of open-minded, enlightened and compelling people like this protestor at the Ann Coulter lecture.”

Never say I never gave you anything, Michael…

The most famous face of the fracas — Commie Rage Girl — can now be named, thanks to BCF:

“Now meet Stephanie Bowa, Stephanie is employed by the Canadian Library Association (…) How’s that for irony?”

Arnie found a great Flickr cache of photos at the University of Ottawa, posted by:

“John D (…) an ‘anti-authoritarian dad’ who lists his occupation as ‘full time student’  and who may be raising his child a ‘vegan’…”

John D was disgusted by the presence of “capitalists” at Ann Coulter’s event, naturally.


UPDATE: a reader sends this in…

Stephanie Bowa is Program Coordinator, Young Canada Works From:

Also from the web site: (emphasis added)

“Our Values:

“We believe that libraries and the principles of intellectual freedom and free universal access to information are key components of an open and democratic society.”