5 Feet of Fury

As we impatiently await confirmation on the names of Hitchens’ two male ****buddies…

We pass the time with a column by Rex Murphy:

There’s a touch of uncouth high-schoolism in all this, that callow bravery of the 15-year-old knocking daddy and mommy’s most sensitive beliefs. But while a little coarseness and some impudence is, in a sense, almost proper and certainly unsurprising in 15-year-olds.

It’s a little more than tiresome, and certainly a hell of a lot (if that conception may be allowed here) less than brave coming out of the mouths or flowing from the digital pens of the pack of adult reason-worshipping evangelists who make such a good business out of harsh and mean assessments of their differently-believing, more pacific brothers on this good earth.

But by all means, read Mr. Hitchens’ column. And then send a donation for the peace of his soul to Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity.

A bunch of us are still praying rosaries for the conversion of Hitchens. Come on: it’ll be a riot when it happens.