5 Feet of Fury

Remember: the man who said ‘why can’t we all just get along’…

is a chronic alcoholic with a very long arrest record…

Meanwhile, Alternative Right tries it one more time, with feeling:

Anybody who wants to take the time to learn about the “pseudo-intellectual” studies that have been done on group differences and how we know they have a biological basis can read J. Phillipe Rushton, Richard Lynn, Michael Levin, Arthur Jensen, Charles Murray and Richard Hernstein on race and Steve Rhoads, Steven Pinker, Geoffrey Miller and Judith Rich Harris [hot links at original post] on gender.

Or they can open up their eyes and look at the disparities in crime, socio-economic status and standardized test scores found always and everywhere.

We would have the luxury of ignoring all this if it wasn’t for our current demographic shift, massive anti-white discrimination in the form of affirmative action or Stalinism at our universities in the name of fighting “hate.”

White Americans have gone from 90 percent of the US population to 70 percent in the last forty-five years. They’re scheduled to become a minority by 2042. We can anticipate that there won’t be a single part of our society or culture unchanged by these population trends. It is those advocating we move ahead with this unprecedented demographic shift who should have the burden of proof on them to show that we’ll be better off. 

Anyone who tries to will find calling people names to be much easier.