5 Feet of Fury

Mark Steyn speaks very slowly to so-called ‘conservatives’

I like to think that this jab is meant for more folks than just the reliably leftwing press:

…one is struck by the media boilerplate: Wilders is the “extreme” “far-right” “fringe”, but the parties he beats are the “mainstream”? That there is a lot of what’s wrong with the European political discourse. Maybe he only seems so “extreme” and “far” because you’re the one out on the fringe.


There are, however, other polls, such as the De Hond poll, which many consider to be the Netherlands’ most respected, which predicted yesterday that the PVV is to become the biggest party with 27 seats. (…)

From the center-right to the center-left Europe’s establishment parties share the consensus that Islamization and EU centralization are inevitable and must be facilitated if the parties want to survive and hold on to power. Wilders, however, is a politician who, in a Buckleyan tradition, “stands athwart history, yelling Stop, at a time when no one is inclined to do so, or to have much patience with those who so urge it.”


The American journalist Diana West, author of the book The Death of the Grown-Up, says  that Wilders is “so important as a politician leading the reversal of the Islamization of the West” because of the clarity of the distinction which he makes between Islam and other religions. “He defies the multicultural lock on truth as he rejects the cultural relativist’s denial of identity.”