5 Feet of Fury

If Ron Paul wasn’t a crazy hypocrite*, this would be a better essay

Kevin DeAnna writes:

The cadres of Young Americans for Freedom may have gotten elected to office, but we all live in the world of Students for a Democratic Society. During the Age of Reagan and conservative hegemony, the New Left decisively won the culture wars, by largely abolishing, often through state fiat, the previously existing culture.


Enoch Powell may have argued that he would fight for his country even if it had a Communist government. At a certain point though, it is no longer a question of a different form of government for a country, but a different country altogether. (…)

An appeal to a shared past will no longer work because that shared past does not exist. (…)

A legalistic identity based on a murky conception of universal human rights has not sufficed to hold together other regimes, and I doubt it will be able to do the same in America.


Mass immigration and cultural disintegration will continue to exist if the Fed—or the state—magically disappears tomorrow. Even materialists must concede that we can’t even begin to talk about issues like education, health care, crime, poverty, or whether we have a society worth living in without talking about issues of multiculturalism and demographics. These issues need to be confronted by someone, if not by libertarians themselves. The reaction to Tom Tancredo’s visits to the University of North Carolina and Providence College shows how fully the Left becomes unhinged even with a message like Tancredo’s—which is fairly common sense, standard, and maybe even boring stuff about assimilation and the rule of law. (…)

Calls to completely transform the structure of the American economy meet far less opposition than suggesting the enforcement of existing immigration laws.

I submit this tells us what the real forbidden issues are in America today and where the Left really sees the battle lines falling.


(* Try this re-phrasing on for size: “As long as you damn people keep buying them from me, I’m gonna [have to] keep selling you these damn tvs that ‘fell off the back of a truck. Dammit.” Or maybe just “Everybody else is doing it, moooooommmmmm!!”)