5 Feet of Fury

I told you we should have nuked the place

But nobody listens to me.

I remain unconvinced that the Afghan people are worth fighting and dying for.

That they are a bunch of child molesters is something Andrew Sullivan was inconveniently pointing out back in 2002 (before he lost his marbles.)

As I said last year:

Instead of “killing people and breaking stuff,” as they are supposedly trained to do, our troops are dying to build schools in a country that has no history of literacy or high culture. This isn’t Japan or Germany we’re talking about: civilized people whose particular “civilization” briefly mutated into something ugly that threatened, then destroyed, its neighbors.

First we nuked Japan. Twice. THEN we gave them free stuff. We’re doing the Marshall Plan before Dresden this time. How’s that working out?

The Afghans don’t WANT democracy; they want to carry on being opportunistic, ungrateful, drug-dealing, inbred low IQ pagan child molesters.

We are MESSING with their “right” to be backward moon-worshipping pedophiles — hell, you’d be pissed, too.

Yeah, let’s teach them to read. What? The Koran? Genius.

I blame National Geographic. They put that Afghan girl on the cover years ago and now we feel sorry for them.

But other people are not your exotic adorable liberal pets or poster children. They are human beings who sometimes want you dead.