5 Feet of Fury

Tea Party diversity: another view

Ellison Lodge writes:

Blacks and Hispanics are much more likely than whites to be employed by the government, not have health insurance, be on welfare, and not pay income tax.

And while Whites rarely see politics through racial lenses, the plain fact is that Blacks and Hispanics do. They simply do not want to be in a party or movement that is mainly white, even if they support its principles.

No amount of pandering or “outreach” will change either of these factors.

The Tea Party movement is, and should be, open to all people for all races.

But the fact that minorities choose not to attend the Tea Parties should be a warning of how the defining American principles of limited government will fare if the country’s demographics continue to be shifted by government policies of omission and commission..

It’s time for the Tea Partiers to start agitating for an immigration moratorium.

Another view, with great photos.

PLUSthe “Epic Beard Man” phenom:

While the crazy banter and Bruso’s colorful personality makes this video very amusing, and allows people to get away with more politically incorrect thoughts, it is the audacity of some blacks that really inspires most of the comments. It is not just that Michael picks a fight with an old man that makes people upset. It is that he starts it because he imagines a perfectly innocuous comment is racist. It is that after he starts the fight, both he and videotaper Iyanna Washington still think they are in the right. It is that the Washington thinks she can yell anti-white slurs and steal on tape without any repercussions.

Americans are glad to see someone finally fight back.  Bruso clearly has a few screws loose. He had earlier been videotaped getting tasered by police at an Oakland  A’s game for being belligerent. But given how self-defense against blacks is often criminalized, as in the  Rodney King and  Bernie Goetz cases, you need to be a little insane to stand up to the abuse.


The Main Stream Media selectively showed the police subduing King without the context of King violently attacking them.

No doubt if this fight were caught on tape ten years ago, the MSM would splice a video together with Epic Beard Man yelling “sit your little black ass down” and then hitting Michael, without any of the context. 

Personally, my favorite part is the black kid thinking the biggest insult he can hurl at the white guy is to tell him to go sit at the front of the bus.