5 Feet of Fury

An armed (Anglo-Saxon) society is a polite society

From the must-read Gun Rights Examiner. He should be on your daily list to visit if he isn’t already:

A teacher has been shot and killed in a school parking lot. It’s not necessary to go into specific details of the incident, which are easy enough to find, but I will provide some observations that are generally applicable.

Schools are, for the most part, legally-designated “gun free zones” as far as “ordinary citizens” are concerned.

That did not stop the killer.

The killer had a restraining order placed against him.

That did not stop him.

The killer had been arrested for violating the restraining order.

That did not stop him.

ROs and violations typically result in orders to surrender firearms.

That did not stop him.

It is illegal to stalk someone.

That did not stop him.

It is illegal to murder someone.

That did not stop him.

The only thing that stopped the killer was another person with a gun.