5 Feet of Fury

Yes, but…

You might have decided your fellow men are rotten to the core, and you’re weary of their company. Listen to the music of Mozart, or look upon the work of Michelangelo, and consider the argument of those who profoundly disagree. Maybe part of your problem is that you’ve been listening to the wrong music, or looking at the wrong pictures. Dark waters are easy to drown in. The judgment of the human race will not lack witnesses for the defense, and they will make their case to you, if you give them a chance.

Beautiful prose can only take you so far. The real takeaway:

Outstanding essay. Depth, nuance, compassion, inspiration.

For you who are prone to suicidal depression, the time to absorb the wisdom of these words is when you are not ill. Inscribe them on your heart for a time when you will need them. It is too late when the vortex is pulling you under. You are delusional. You are beyond rational thought. You cannot read, you cannot think, you cannot see. You can only feel: excruciating, unimaginable, unendurable, and unending pain. When you are in that place, you know these precious words will only mock you. So learn them now.