Now we further discover, from what was removed from seemingly another early draft, that the aim was not just to implement this policy of mass immigration without the knowledge or consent of the British people.
It was done in the full knowledge that the people actually wanted immigration reduced.
And we also discover that those who expressed such concerns were dismissed with utter contempt as racists – and it was further suggested that ministers should manipulate public opinion in an attempt to change people’s attitudes.
They did this mainly because they hated what Britain was, a largely homogeneous society rooted in 1,000 years of history. They therefore set out to replace it by a totally new kind of multicultural society – and one in which the vast majority of newcomers could be expected to vote Labour.
And now we know that in their hearts, Labour politicians hold the great mass of the public, many of them their own voters, in total contempt as racist bigots – all for wanting to live in a country whose identity they share.
There could hardly be a more worthy issue for the Conservative Party to leap upon. Yet their response is muted through their own visceral terror of appearing racist.
Ezra Levant was the one who finally put into words something I’d been struggling to articulate for what seems like forever.
Almost as a throwaway line in Shakedown, he mused about all the “crazy” “right wing Nazis” who seemed to be the only ones brave or nutty enough to challenge Canada’s self-appointed censors — making it so hard for timid/right thinking people to want to side with them against the bureaucracy.
Levant wondered if those “Nazis” had always been the “crazies” we meet when/if their stories made the papers — or whether they’d been driven crazy by the very bureaucracy they were fighting…
That the true story about the UK’s multicultural immigration plot isn’t causing ordinary folks to riot comes as no surprise. The general population is fat, lazy, stupid and drunk — and not coincidentlally, unarmed.
However, those still semi-conscious should feel vindicated. After generations of being told by their elite “betters” that they were not only “racist bigots,” but paranoid, the revelations must come as a bit of a relief.
Alas, it is all too late.