5 Feet of Fury

Women make less than men cuz they’re stupid and lazy

OK, that’s not what Brian Lilley says in his new story about the mythical “wage gap,” but whatever:

The collective report by the labour and activist groups does not use dollar per hour compensation to show that women earn less than men, they use total year compensation. It is easy to understand why the group uses this formula, it will always show that women are being discriminated against while the other formula is showing improvements.

A quick look at Stats Canada’s monthly Labour Force Survey shows one reason why men make more money than women; they work more hours. (…)

As for the difference in hourly wages, part of that is attributable to the type of work men and women choose to do and non-wage benefits that come with those jobs. As the report by the activists shows women choose to work in fields such as nursing, teaching and social services, jobs that while they pay less come with security and benefits like public sector pensions.

Note the “but” in that last sentence which makes it appear that they are complaining that women dominate certain professions which women choose to go into. The fringe benefits of those jobs often come in the form of delayed compensation such as pensions…