Canada Europe trades in 6 million Jews for 20 million Muslims — with fab-tastic results!
Toronto[Malvo] was – until recently at least – a shining multicultural success story, and has taken in proportionally more refugees than anywhere else in Sweden, a record of which it is proud.(…)
“We want
TorontoMalmo to be cosmopolitan and safe for everybody and we have taken action,” [said Malmo’s Social Democrat Mayor]. “I have started a dialogue forum.
“There haven’t been any attacks on Jewish people, and if Jews from the city want to move to Israel that is not a matter for Malmo.” (…)
“It started during the Gaza war when Jewish demonstrators were attacked,” [said a lifelong Jewish resident]. It was a horrible feeling, being attacked in your own city.
“Just as bad was the realisation that we were not being protected by our own leaders.“ (…)
For many of Malmo’s white Swedish population, meanwhile, the racial problems are bewildering after [!?!] years of liberal immigration policies.
“I first encountered race hatred when I was an au pair in England and I was shocked,” said Mrs Popinski’s friend Ulla-Lena Cavling, 72, a retired teacher.“I thought ‘this couldn’t happen in Sweden’. Now I know otherwise.”