5 Feet of Fury

‘It’s time to stop cringeing to the bigoted ‘anti-racists”…

writes Peter Hitchens:

Most of them are actually anti-Britishists, hiding their loathing of this country behind a facade of liberal piety, a facade that is sometimes very thin indeed.

The conviction of Ali Dizaei, who tried to bring the thuggery of Third World policing to London and was caught thanks to the courage of one of his victims, is a great opportunity – if we choose to take it.

He shrieked ‘racism’ whenever he was questioned or thwarted, and got away with it until one brave man refused to take it, and a sound jury paid attention. (…)

For the other crucial revelation of this week was that the Government had ‘social objectives’ in encouraging the unheard-of levels of immigration that have transformed so much of this country in the past few years.

Note, by the way, the failure of the miserable Tory Party to make any serious use of this, because David Cameron has the same ‘social objectives’ and in any case dare not stand up to the bullies of the anti-racist front for fear of losing all those liberal votes he has worked so hard to win. (…)

Mr Neather’s unintentional confession that uncontrolled immigration was deliberately meant as an attack on traditional, conservative Britain was in many ways the single biggest news story of the decade.


It is quite certain that it has helped in creating an atmosphere in which any discussion of the moral, social and cultural revolution can be headed off by accusations of ‘racism’.

Now, in the case of ex-Commander Dizaei, we see that this trick has worked only because people were scared of it, and it collapses when they stand up to it.

Yes, Nazis and bigots oppose immigration, for their own reasons.

But that does not make everyone who opposes immigration a Nazi or a bigot, any more than Hitler’s dedicated opposition to smoking makes every anti-smoker a Nazi, or his vegetarianism makes every vegetarian a Nazi.

Argument by smear has had its day. It is time to argue with facts and reason.


Immigration minister Phil Woolas has claimed that much tension in communities is caused by foreigners not understanding they must wait in line for services rather than barging to the front as may be the custom in their own culture.