5 Feet of Fury

Rush Limbaugh: Paul Shanklin’s ‘Camelot’ parody (free audio)

This can’t wait until my next Talk Radio Watch column…

On Friday, a Canadian caller suggested a “Camel-Not” parody to Rush Limbaugh:

RUSH: Joseph in Vancouver, great to have you on the EIB Network, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Oh, my God, Rush, this is the greatest honor of my life.

RUSH: Thank you. Thank you very much. I appreciate that. I understand it, too.

CALLER: I’m 56. I travel all over the world, and I’m an educator, and I’ve also been in business, so I’ve been on both sides of this thing, and I teach theater, and I’m calling about the Camelot allegory.

RUSH: Oh, yes.

CALLER: Well, you know, it’s a perfect myth to address this whole thing with Obama because if you follow the whole play to the end, at the end Camelot is destroyed by the illegitimate son of King Arthur and a tryst with queen of the fairies.

RUSH: Yes. Yes!

CALLER: And that’s Mordred, and he comes back in and he attacks Camelot and destroys it. And he sings this song called the Seven Deadly Virtues, and it would be like a perfect thing for Obama’s voice to be singing that, it’s incredible. And you have King Arthur would have been I guess Kennedy, and Lancelot would be Clinton, and Carter is the crazy King Pellinore, who’s the guest of King Arthur. So I mean the allegory is perfect.

RUSH: Well, who would Obama be? Queen of the fairies?

“White comedian” Paul Shanklin works fast.

Today Rush Limbaugh unveiled his house parodist’s “Camel-Not” bit, and the Barney Frank bit alone killed me.

Thanks to Andrew Lawton for being MY knight in shining armour and ripping the audio for me!