5 Feet of Fury

Canada sucks and the Charter is bull****

Anti-white racism on the reserves you and I are forced to pay for?

Completely legal:

Canadian law states that aboriginal bands can decide who has a right to live on their reserves, and a human rights tribunal backed up the law more than 20 years ago, but that doesn’t make the eviction of non-Mohawks from the Kahnawake reserve right or just or moral.

Some 25 non-Mohawk people living on the reserve, many of them whites who are in relationships with Mohawk residents, were given eviction notices this week and ordered to leave within 10 days. Imagine the furor if the roles had been reversed, and Mohawks had been ordered to move out of an all-white neighbourhood in a Canadian city.

They like having us visit their casinos, though. Go figure.

Is a boycott in order…?