5 Feet of Fury

Line of the day

Jay Currie:

Of course the Times could not be bothered doing the digging itself…instead it reports stories from the Telegraph and the London times…

Perhaps the New York Times has become a blog.


Finally— I’ve been asked a bunch of times whether I’m worried Gothamist won’t have anything left to curate once the Times goes out of business. But I’m not— first of all, new billionaires seem to roll up every year with their vanity media products, dumping tons of new content at our doorstep. Rupert’s new retread of the New York Sun has got to be worth a couple of dozen stories a day at least.

Between those billionaire rubes, the dozens of mainstream media outlets that survive (radio, tv, local papers), and the hundreds of hyperlocal neighborhood blogs that spring up like mushrooms every year, I don’t think we’ll ever run out of local content to pass through our curation machine.