5 Feet of Fury

Sound familiar, Canadians?

Mark Steyn writes:

As they say over there, it’s Health & Safety gone mad, innit? Or as a lady put it after the funeral, as we were discussing the fracas, “There’s only one thing that annoys me more than Health & Safety gone mad, and that’s when people say, ‘Ooo, it’s Health & Safety gone mad.’” I know what she means. In Britain, the distillation of any daily grievance into a handy catchphrase seems to absolve one of the need to do anything about it. As long as they can grumble the agreed slogan, they’ll put up with ever more absurd incursions on individual liberty.

People have been bitching and moaning about “political correctness” for twenty five years — but those same people never DO anything to challenge it. They just mutter into their coffee.

You are part of the problem. Do something or shut up.