5 Feet of Fury

Mark Steyn talks about Guy Earle

Mark Steyn writes a long blog post on the Canadian stand up comic charged with anti-gay hate speech:

I haven’t followed the Earle case very closely. But, judging from his interview with Rob, he and his legal team have made a couple of missteps. He says he offered a kind of apology and to make a donation to a “woman advocate group”, whatever the hell that is. Stupid, stupid, stupid. When you do that, you’re accepting their framing of the case – which is that what’s at issue is your behaviour. Wrong. What’s at issue is BC’s and Canada’s crappy, worthless, ever more expansive and coercive “human rights” regime. By offering Danegeld (Dykegeld?) to some or other third party, you confer legitimacy on the process. Very foolish. 


Since getting labeled a hatemonger, I’ve gotten more invitations to Sussex Drive than I ever did before.