5 Feet of Fury

Give this guy a sidekick gig!

RUSH: Here’s Dave in Wyoming on a cell phone.  Great to have you with us, sir.  Hello.

CALLER:  Hey, big rig-driving dittos, Rush.

RUSH:  Thank you very much.

CALLER:  I have a question about your Miss America judging.

RUSH:  Yeah.

CALLER:  First of all, let me thank you for your service for going down there.

RUSH: (laughing)

CALLER: I mean, Las Vegas and Miss America contestants parading around, that must be awful.

RUSH:  Well, somebody has to do it, and everybody has to be somewhere.  And my name came up.


RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER:  Hey, I want to know if you’ve experienced the strange phenomenon yet that when a black contestant is on the stage, you “forget” that she’s black.

RUSH:  (laughing) You are not helping.