5 Feet of Fury

Getting the ‘new Jews’ and the ‘new Nazis’ all mixed up again

Geert Wilders background/updates:

However, what Gerard Spong didn’t mention is that the new accusations hark-back to what Folko Oldenhuis called the “clear cut political context” of the second World War and Nazism.

In the collective memory of the indigenous Dutch this equals an Evil that has to be stopped, a stereotype which also was used to demonize Fortuyn. Wilders, however, the Johnny Rotten of Dutch politics, gets demonized by a Dutch court of law, which banishes him from polite society before he’s even convicted. Leaving him defended by his bodyguards only, abandoned in an undefended Amsterdam Court.

Lots of people praise the Dutch for fighting Nazism, but that legacy may also be Wilders’ undoing. It has made the Dutch hypersensitive and, therefore, wrongheaded, about who the ‘new Nazis’ really are.

Of course, we’ve got a problem with that round these parts, too.

Remember: this Wednesday, January 20, I will be speaking at a Toronto Rally supporting Geert Wilders. DETAILS here.

Baring any technical glitches, it will be simulcast on the web.

UPDATEMark Steyn writes:

This sounds very familiar. During my long battles with Canada’s disgusting and corrupt “human rights” thought-police, I was frequently told (by lawyers, experts, “human rights” activists, Islamists et al) that “truth is no defense”. The factual accuracy of what I’d written was never in dispute; it was whether or not it was legal to say them, however accurate they may be.