5 Feet of Fury


Glenn Beck to the WSJ:

This fall, Mr. Beck drew friendly fire on an American Enterprise Institute blog from Charles Murray, a social scientist with strong libertarian political leanings, who conceded that “Beck is spectacularly right (translation: I agree with him) on about 95 percent of the substantive issues he talks about.”

But Mr. Murray does not care for Mr. Beck’s manner…

Mr. Beck answers carefully: “I’m sorry he doesn’t agree with me—doesn’t agree with my approach.” Then he notes the irony of a think-tank intellectual criticizing a populist media star for lacking broad appeal: “How many are reading his blog, and how many are listening to my radio show, television show, reading my books, going to conventions, seeing me on stage? I mean, I think, while I respect his position and his difference in opinion on presentation, I think one of us is probably reaching more people daily.”