5 Feet of Fury

Media Matters not even trying this week (with bonus Mark Steyn audio)

My latest post at David Horowitz’s NewsReal blog:

Fox & Friends’ other mortal sin? The gang calls recently foiled Muslim terrorist the “crotch bomber” because “it’s impossible to say his last name anyway.” Good to see Media Matters has its priorities straight, like getting the name of an attempted mass murderer just right. (I hear Manson prefers “Charlie” to “Charles”…)

Today they’re mad at Glenn Beck for using a tiny snippit of audio from Martin Luther King, Jr’s “I Have A Dream” speech in his new radio show intro. Beck asked this morning on air if the Left thinks they own King’s words.

Well, maybe, but the King family sure does, and they’ve been known to sue. Watch for that registered letter, Mercury Radio Arts!