5 Feet of Fury

Rush Limbaugh being released from hospital



Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh held a press conference at the Queen’s Medical Center in Honolulu Friday morning to update the public on his health condition.

Limbaugh says medical tests show no signs of coronary disease and doctors do not know what caused his chest pains Wednesday afternoon.  The popular talk radio host says he’s never experienced that type of pain before Wednesday, calling the discomfort “very real.”

Limbaugh received an angiogram on Thursday, a test in which a physician threads a catheter (a thin flexible tube) to the artery to be studied.

Limbaugh thanked the staff at the Kahala Hotel for coming to his aid, saying he arrived at the hospital within a matter of minutes.

He also said he received great care at Queen’s Medical Center and that there is nothing wrong with the American health care system.

Houston Chronicle:

Caller after caller to his show Thursday sounded their well-wishes, asked to simply say “ditto” — a traditional Limbaugh catchword — so they could get on with questions and comments on social and government issues on the national talk show. Friday’s show was a Best of Rush special.

Celebrations ensue at HotAir.com

UPDATE: Missed this Wednesday — boys at HillBuzz write:

We. Need. Rush. Limbaugh.

We need him healthy.  We need him fired up.  We need him loud, uncensored, and outspoken.  We need him on the air 24/7, inspiring millions to speak out themselves and never, ever back down in the face of Liberal threats or intimidation.

Rush, if you ever read this, your “Babes” here in Boystown are asking everyone we know to send positive energy your way and pray, wish, and hope for your speedy recovery.  When we disagree with you, you remain a worthy opponent. When America itself is threatened and our liberties and freedoms are assaulted by the current Administration and its runaway Liberal Congress, you are a much-needed ally.

You are critical to the resistance.

It is not your time to go.

You have a lot more work to do, sir, and so your “babes” in Chicago wish you speedy recovery to do that.

UPDATE: A message from Rush Limbaugh to his listeners:

Thank you for your prayers and good thoughts over the past several days. Today, I am leaving Queens Hospital in Honolulu, feeling strong and rested. I offer my deepest thanks to the staff and administration there, who provided excellent care and supervision.

I’m going to take several days of rest over this weekend and the early part of next week, and will be back on the radio with you sometime next week, taking the advice of so many of you to rest and fully recover.

I wish each and every one of you a Happy New Year in 2010!

With great thanks for your support and love…