5 Feet of Fury

Ralph Peters speaks very slowly for all the remaining idiots

Ralph Peters writes:

 Was it just a ticketing accident that led to a bombing attempt on Christmas? Was it all about blackout dates and frequent-flyer miles?

It wasn’t. You know it. And I know it. But our government refuses to know it. Despite vast databases crammed with evidence, our leaders — of both parties — still refuse to connect Islamist terrorism with Islam.

And the gay Democrats at HillBuzz are seriously pissed:

…every Muslim is indeed complicit in all of this since Muslims worldwide do not stand up and fight the terrorists in their midst.  Instead, they take to the airwaves demanding “understanding of Islam” and repeatedly say, “This is not Islam!” whenever Muslims murder people, or attempt to blow them into millions of pieces. Well, for several decades now we’ve heard “This is not Islam!” and we’re still waiting to see WHAT Islam is then.

Sure looks like a bunch of murdering lunatics hellbent on destroying the West to us.

We maintain this should not even be considered a religion, but should be treated like the National Socialist Party in Germany.  In the 40s, if Germans had tried to blow up airplanes, no one would be crying about needing to understand Germany or Nazism.  “This is not Nazi Germany!” would not be a valid defense for murderous sabotage.