5 Feet of Fury

Join us at the anti-HAMAS demo in Toronto: Sunday Dec 27

Bring cameras.

From the JDL website:

Join *JDL* in support of ISRAEL in TORONTO
Sunday December 27, 2009

The pro HAMAS JewHaters are marching to express their solidarity with Hamas and accuse Israel of a so-called “Gaza Massacre”

Join the *JDL* with Israeli and Canadian Flags in front of the Israeli Consulate [across from the Royal Ontario Museum – use MUSEUM subway stop on the University Line]

180 Bloor Street West on
12:30 pm

PLEASE INVITE all your friends so that we can have AS many people as possible in solidarity WITH ISRAEL

We will need volunteers since many Christians, Hindus and Tamils will Join *JDL* so if you would like to help with organizing, please let *JDL* know!


Invite your family and friends, and get ready to make a POSITIVE and important impact on a GLOBAL SCALE!!!


The last time I attended an event like this, at this very spot, Jewish children were threatened with death while Toronto police stood by and did nothing (video evidence) — they were following orders from on high not to arrest any Muslims at the event.

Official Jew Bernie Farber was visible by his absence — then took credit for exposing the event’s terrorist ties, even though it was I (a woman he and his friends repeatedly call a right wing racist) who actually helped expose them.

Does Bernie Farber have the balls to show up at this event?

We shall see.

This is what we are up against, Toronto. Do you care?

Or will you lefties be at your slo-mo Kristallnacht outside a Jewish owned bookstore on Bloor and Bay?