5 Feet of Fury

It costs a lot to look this cheap

As I posted yesterday, Ezra Levant has a good post up about how the Conservatives are cutting funding to far-left jackass organizations.

That certainly does make me very happy. I’m glad to see these jerks left high and dry. And I’m glad to see the Conservatives doing something about it. Sort of.

So now we’re saving $1.8 million by defunding these commie Christians. (Funny, I never heard any lefties misquoting stuff about “separation of church and state” during the entire tenure of KAIROS…)

But how much did saving that $1.8 million cost us?

How much are the salaries and lifetime pensions and expenses of the Conservative staffers who engineered this cut?

How much, come to think of it, does it cost to heat and light the Parliament buildings?

When the Liberals get back into power, KAIROS or something like them will be refunded and strengthened. All these people are just playing Monopoly with my money.

I’ve always believed that electoral poltics is a scam, and the System is corrupt at the core. I didn’t vote for years, and only do so now because all those “men died on Juno Beach so you could vote” stuff finally wore me down. I may go back to not bothering, however.

If we really wanted to save money, or possibly even make some, we would turn the Parliament Buildings into an Indian casino. But we aren’t serious. We only care about making sure “our guy” gets in so “our stuff” will get done.

But what is “our stuff”? Getting Section 13 repealed? Who cares? Just ignore it. Law are forever being nullified through disuse and indifference.

The Human Rights Commissions? The HRCs and their “authority” is no more real to me than a regiment of Civil War re-enactors. If a faux 1st West Tennessee Calvary came to your door and tried to press gang you into fighting a scirmish on a nearby hill, you’d either a) go along because it might be fun or b) tell them to go screw.

Confronted with the HRCs, Ezra chose a). I would choose b). They can seize my computer hard drive without a warrant? An agent of the state who tries to seize my property without a warrant renders himself a thief. I don’t believe I have the natural right to use deadly force to prevent theft (although I should), but I will certainly refuse to co-operate.

They are welcome to my computer hard drive. They will find it encased in a freshly poured block of cement. Anything else? Not paying one’s taxes at least has real consequences. While I am frequently tempted not to pay mine, I would only do so as part of a large scale tax strike, because that’s the only way for it to really matter.

And Revenue Canada or whatever they’ve changed their name to is at least half real, if not strictly speaking legitimate. They can actually **** with me. Whereas the HRCs are 100% imaginary.

Why do so many of us continue to believe that any aspect of this system is real? It is so patently fake as to defy description.

Why are we granting it legitimacy by congratulating its functionaries for undoing something which never should have been done in the first place?