5 Feet of Fury

Montreal paper repeats what Mark Steyn’s been saying for years, congratulates self

Norman Spector (who repeatedly accused me of, among other things, “being singlehandedly responsible for every late term abortion in Canada,” and of lying about being a writer for the Toronto Star) has a newspaper column and I don’t.

Today he congratulates the Montreal Gazette for being oh so brave for finally admitting, sort of, 20 years later, that “Marc Lepine” was raised by a Muslim and that, golly jeepers, that may have had something to do with Never Hear The End Of It.

When I write that stuff, and Mark Steyn does, we get called “racists” and being female, I get called worse.

When they write it, they vote themselves a big award (you just wait), as long as they write it years after a bunch of other people had the balls to write it first. And did so without citing Wikipedia as our source!

Thanks for coming out, guys!

PS: a longtime reader of this blog who lives in Montreal — and who I know to be a sane, sober individual — heard one of the earliest local radio reports on the crime, with a reporter talking to a woman who’d escaped the classroom.

She told the reporter she heard Lepine the murderer with the Muslim name and the ratty beard shout something she couldn’t understand. The phrase she tried to repeat phonetically sounded, my reader says, remarkably like “Allah Akbar”.

Oddly enough! And yes, he told me that story long before Fort Hood.

Of course, that’s just one fellow’s recollection. Anybody else? Or will that disappear down the memory hole like the photographs of Toronto Muslims celebrating 9/11 that I have it on excellent authority were shot and then suppressed by Toronto newspapers?