5 Feet of Fury

Which is what I’ve been trying to tell you…

A new word for Canadian free speechers to learn: nullification…

This movement is not about waiting for Federal judges or Federal politicians to give us permission to exercise our rights – it’s about exercising our rights whether they want us to or not. (…)

Possibly the greatest example of this in action is the decade-plus long movement to legalize marijuana for medical use on a state-by-state level. (…)

Without legislation from Congress, and even in the face of a Supreme Court that ruled against them, the people of my home state basically said – “ok, you’ve got your opinion, we’ve got ours!”  And today, there’s more outlets for marijuana in Los Angeles County than there are Starbucks.

What’s the moral of the story? Nullification works. If enough states pass laws that oppose, or simply refuse to comply with, federal laws or regulations – D.C. simply doesn’t have the manpower to enforce them.

Which is what I’ve been trying to tell you.

But I’m not a fancy lawyer or bigshot so nobody cares what I think.