5 Feet of Fury

Michael Coren on the minaret ban

Michael Coren writes:

The problem for the chattering classes is that when the genuine voices of the genuine people are heard, they frequently contradict progressive establishment opinion. (…)

Minarets mean little. What they signify means a great deal. To millions of non-Muslims, they signify terrorist attacks, hysterical mobs salivating with threats after the publication of a cartoon, promises to slaughter innocent people when the Pope makes a comment about history, attempts to introduce sharia law and Dutch movie-makers murdered on the street.

The perception may be unfair, but we have to ask why it is there and who has to change their ways. Islamic extremists or those terrible Swiss who dare to have an opinion? 


Minarets are not the moral equivalent of church steeples.

Minarets are the moral equivalent of burning crosses.