5 Feet of Fury

Another day, another bunch of nice, hardworking immigrants just looking for a better life

The illegal alien whose reckless driving caused the death of four-year-old

He crashed into the Bluhm vehicle after he ran a red light, driving with no license on the way to the job he held unlawfully. He had been previously arrested three times for drunk driving but was not deported. Josie Bluhm was sentenced on Friday. The good news is that Eleazar Rangel-Ochoa got the maximum prison term; unfortunately that’s only six years.


Awatshi wanted to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas but was hassled by her bosses at the Indian owned bodyshop Infosys. Awashti’s bosses at the Freemont, California branch of Infosys were Indian nationals who routinely ridiculed her and her family for wanting to take part in those great American traditions.


Who is Robert Nagari? Where is he from? And can he go back there, please?