5 Feet of Fury

‘Populism’ is bad again why now?

Andrea writes:

I admit I like Sarah Palin. She’s not at all like me. I’m bookish and introverted and in general the sort of person you’d expect to find in a coffee shop huddled in a corner with an extra large mocha latte reading her email on her iMac. (…)

I laughed in glee at the consternation Palin causes among the crowd of my once-fellow trendars. I don’t care if she ever runs for office: seeing the roaches scurry frantically across the floor whenever her light shines on them is good enough.

PLUS Ted Belman on the Palin Brand:

Sarah Palin represents common sense values that Independents can rally to. She eschews the Party and its brand and embraces the people and their values.

So what are these values?

      1. Energy; “Drill, baby, drill”, “Exploit all the above”
      2. Economy; “Stop digging the hole deeper.” and unleash the private sector.
      3. Healthcare; She favours competition, tort reform and waste reduction.
      4. Environment; Rejects Cap and Trade. Favours environmentally sensitive development.
      5. Security; Support the armed services and let them do their job. Don’t lower your guard. Specifically, stand by your allies, win in Afghanistan and treat terrorists as terrorists, not citizens.
      6. Israel; Build, baby, build. She supports the right of Jews to build in Judea and Samaria. She rejects Obama’s racist policy of telling the Jews where they cannot live. She is a harsh critic of Ahmedinejad and his government and faults Obama for not supporting the opposition.
      7. Patriotism; Patriotism is good, not bad. America is good, not bad. The Constitution must be protected and upheld.
      8. Social; She supports life not “death panels”, the weak including challenged children and the elderly, hard work and not entitlement, private sector charity rather then government handouts..
      9. Ethics; Accountability over cronyism

Not only do these values appeal to her base, they appeal to Middle America, to Independents and Democrats. On all these issues, Obama and the Democrats have set themselves up for a fall. Palin is on the right side of these issues and everyone knows it.

ALSO: Have I mentioned my new shoes lately?