5 Feet of Fury

‘Whilst in the U.S. this summer…’

writeth Binks:

 the Binklings, Binks, Binks-Dad and assorted others went shooting at the local gun range. Lotsa fun, learning, and shell-casings. The boys now know proper gun handling rules, trigger discipline, and loading/ unloading. Turns out I’m a good shot with a .45– who knew? Nearby, folks were firing shotguns, magnums, and even an AR-15, which actually shakes the ground a little when it is fired.

However, for the first time since wartime, there were widespread ammo shortages– particularly of .45 rounds– because people are hoarding them, and buying weapons. Partly in advance of expected anti-gun laws from the Left, partly for the good old principle of resisting tyranny, home-defence, and recreation.