5 Feet of Fury

Dear Jeff Jacoby: ideas don’t do bad things. PEOPLE do them (UPDATED)

My email to Jeff Jacoby after reading this…

Jeff normally you’re right on but…

Mexico is a third world country, where corruption is considered normal. Mexicans don’t value higher education; unlike the Europeans who came before them, they don’t have a rich intellectual or scientific tradition.

In Mexico, it is still the 1970s: littering, child abuse, animal abuse, racism, macho posturing and drunk driving are still considered normal and acceptable.


I don’t see how mass importing an illiterate, overweight, criminal peasant class makes America a better place. Furthermore, they are still loyal to Mexico rather than America. Meanwhile, real Americans are forced to press 1 for English in their own country because unlike previous waves of immigrants, Mexicans aren’t forced to learn the native language.

I can’t help but think that like a lot of white collar people, you like Mexican immigrants because you only meet the nice, obedient, polite hardworking ones who do your yard work or whatever. You obviously don’t meet the gang members and pregnant teens and resentful race mongers.

A lot of people don’t like illegals _as people_ because they just don’t. They don’t like that they won’t speak English, that they won’t assimilate, that they still wave Mexican flags, that they have a chip on their shoulder, that they don’t pay taxes but get lots of benefits, that they break the law but get special treatment that law abiding, tax paying citizens get.

“Ideas” don’t do these things, Jeff. People do them.

Giving people (especially ordinary working class people who are MOST affected) one less thing they’re “allowed” to talk about, according to the chattering classes, is a really great way to build more of the exact kind of so-called nativist resentment you are warning against.

And yeah, I’m a Canadian. If I tried to become an American citizen it would take years (unless I literally had one million dollars, in which case the US government puts you on the fast track that’s still relatively slow.) I already speak English, I probably know your Constitution better than some of your countrymen, and God knows I hate my own country and wouldn’t run around waving a Maple Leaf if you let me in. But you never will. You’d rather have a grade school drop out with Virgin Mary tattoos who runs over little kids while he’s driving drunk.

Good luck with that!


this sort of column is a sign that the pro-immigration neocons are losing the debate. (…) he seems to have an emotional attachment to immigration that no amount of reason can penetrate