5 Feet of Fury

I’m honored to be bullied by people like this

It’s especially fun since they lose every single fight they pick with me — to the point of being called out in Parliament for their harassment.

It’s sad, really…

Ignatieff’s war crime comments weren’t a slip of the tongue; they were the reiteration of Ignatieff’s long-held views about Israel — views that may have been fashionable in Ignatieff’s academic circles in the U.K., but that are shockingly out of touch with Canadian political norms.

Take this insane rant that Ignatieff wrote for London’s Guardian in 2002. Funny enough, I came across that article courtesy of Warren Kinsella, who wrote on this website that he “objected to” Ignatieff’s comparison of Israel to “the fascism of apartheid”.

Apparently Kinsella no longer objects to that grotesque comparison, for he’s scrubbed his criticism from his blog, and went to work for Ignatieff as a senior aide. But I agree with the old Kinsella: Ignatieff’s comparison of apartheid South Africa to democratic, pluralistic Israel, where Arabs sit in the Knesset and even on the Supreme Court, is odious.