5 Feet of Fury

Canada remains a haven for terrorists, a French counterterrorism judge says

Why I hate my country:

“Al-Qaeda will exploit this to use this country as a base for launching its operations against the United States.”

“Quebec also is home to a large Algerian community, in which there are radical elements … as we had confirmed from interrogations of this movement’s activists in France, and Canada doesn’t want problems with its immigrant communities.

Too little, too late?

Generally speaking, we should make citizenship harder, not easier, to obtain. To this end, make the citizenship test mandatory for those under 65, not 55. Test aggressively on language, ensuring that applicants have a working knowledge of English or French. Many do not now.

Appoint citizenship judges who are serious about citizenship, not political hacks. Extend the residency requirement for new Canadians from three to six years.

Rewrite the citizenship oath to reflect obligation and duty. Draft a charter of responsibilities. Tax Canadians living abroad after they have been away a number of years. Reconsider dual citizenship.