5 Feet of Fury

My readers write…

In response to my “Canada sucks” comment yesterday, The Phantom emails a bunch of us:

This reminded me I had my own little run-in with the OPP that year,
June 23 2006, which I mentioned in a comment at Kate McMillan’s Small Dead Animals:

    Well, today I took a wander over to the problem zone for an hour, took a few pictures out the window of my truck and got pulled over for my trouble. The boys were very polite once they decided I wasn’t a terrorist or some kind of vigilante nut. Congratulated me on my good sense for not pissing off the Natives by stopping and snapping, said sorry we had to pull you over and that was that.

    More excitement than this I do not need. All I can say is, damn good thing my papers were in order.

    Important safety tip: don’t have any outstanding tickets or stuff wrong with your insurance if you want to take snaps in Caledonia. Well, unless you’re an Indian I suppose.

All I did was drive past and take pictures out the window, they pulled me over for a chat.  Full tactical stop, with shotgun.  Scary stuff.  Meanwhile the “Mohawk protesters” otherwise known as organized crime, are using the DCE and Dave Brown’s back yard for a motocross track, shooting range, pissoir, and generally behaving ugly 24/7.  No tactical stop with shotgun for them.

The Liberal government of Ontario, the OPP and Chief Fantino have been called to account for the breathtaking failure to do their duty in 2006, and protect Dave Brown and Dana Chatwell, or even to allow they to protect themselves.  To this day, nothing has been done for these two.  To this day, the illegal occupation continues.  To this day, Mohawk “protesters” are running all around the region trying to jack up small towns and businesses in the biggest protection racket since Al Capone.  Illegal smoke shacks are springing up weekly in Caledonia on Highway Six, on private property. Otherwise known as the front lawns of retired farmers.  Who got charged that time?  The FARMER.  Ernie Palmer.  Look it up.

So hell yeah Kathy, Canada sucks.  No question.

The only positive result out of this freak show so far is that nobody has been killed yet.  Not for lack of trying mind you, given the heart attack, the several beatings and the Indians trying to run cops over, but still nobody got planted.  Way to go, boys.

In closing I should mention I do not blame the rank and file OPP policemen for the ongoing bollocks this is.  They do what they are told, as always.  I could wish they would be a little more proactive about refusing to follow illegal orders, but realistically they wouldn’t have made it through the selection process if they were likely to do that.  This is why it is insane to think the police are going to protect you from the monsters.  Police protect themselves first, just like everybody else.


Another reader emails:

Just wanted to thank you for your article under the heading “Being a “good person”, is irrelevant when it comes to the survival of Western values”. Indeed, Celestial’s article is very good.

I’ve been pondering about what to say to you and everytime I came up with something (e.g. we can expect to see more of this sort of thing in a country where there no longer seems to be anything to assimilate into, etc.), I realized that everything I was going to say has already been said (in fact, probably by yourself).

What I know is this: in a world and a country that seems to be getting more insane by the minute, all one can really do is know who one is and stand firm in one’s convictions.

That’s easily the most depressing note of encouragement I’ve ever written. Anyway, hope it makes sense.

I also got a thoughtful email from Andrew Philips of the Libertarian Party of Canada:

Well this will kill any economic recovery in Ontario for the simple reason that taxpayers will just go around the tax grab. I sure wish I could invest in the underground economy because it is about to get a whole lot bigger in Ontario. This action is not very bright especially after the Toronto Star today says that Ontario is out 2 billion dollars in tobacco taxes from smuggling and is going to drive this province to its’ knees. Dalton is taxing this province into the grave. You do not create jobs by removing people’s income from their wallets and purses with tax grabs. You create jobs by cutting spending and passing the reduction in spending along to the taxpayer in lower taxation rates. Who then can decide for themselves what they want to buy and most importantly who they want to buy it from in the first place.

A good place to start would be to end multiculturalism in Ontario and stop funding all government programs and salaries that are associated with it.

As I mentioned with the new immigration book it is fine for passing a test but like a driver’s education manual handbook how many people read it after they have passed the test.

Once citizenship is granted there is a huge government industry to make sure everyone is forced back into their ethnic and / or religious group thus ensuring the continuation of a bloated government multiculturalism industry. It’s a good logical place to start the reduction in runaway government spending when you think about it.