5 Feet of Fury

I just had to update my About Me page

A bunch of new blurbs came in in rapid succession (as some of you know), so I’ve done an update.

Here’s what’s new:

It isn’t “respectable” to speak up for Limbaugh or Ann Coulter or Kathy Shaidle. There is no safety in silence. Fuck those lying left-wing crapweasels. I’m with Kathy.

     — Robert Stacy McCain

A large group of Canadians made the long trip down to the D.C. tropics. One of them was Kathy Shaidle, who is also known as Five Feet of Fury, but to me seemed more like five feet of Torontonian charm and intelligence.

     — “Baron Bodissey”, Gates of Vienna

“Kathy is terrified of Jews…”


[Kathy Shaidle] is an anti-semite and “a purveyor of some of the most offensive racial stereotypes I have ever read.”

     — Bernie Farber, Canadian Jewish Congress

Kathy Shaidle is one of “the additional forces within the fabric of Canadian society who are pushing this pro-Zionist agenda, either wittingly or unwittingly” along with “Bernie Farber of the Canadian Jewish Congress.”

     — Stormfront.org

I’ve always had a weakness for people who tell you exactly what they think and never bother to mince words, and Shaidle is all that.

One of the most forthright critics of Canada’s Tyranny of Nice and a courageous proponent of free speech in the face of a Nanny State, she’s had her share of suffering, as have we all, but she is not the sort of person to demand that everybody Observe the Pieties on her behalf, and she can often be screamingly funny when it comes to the sort of hushed silences we are expected to observe on behalf of the sundry movements that batten on human suffering as a way of drumming up support for cash, power, reverence, etc.

I often disagree with her sometimes overwhelmingly libertarian outlook, but her — I can’t help but like her. She’s so bloody blunt, so . . . not whiny, and so willing to take life head-on that I’ve always found her refreshing even when she says things with which I strongly disagree. (…)

     — Mark Shea

Have I mentioned that I love Kathy Shaidle. You might ask “Why? Why do you love that offensive woman so?”

     — Hyacinth Girl

Anyways no one like you. XOXO hugs and kisses

     — Andrew Richmond